Recent & Upcoming Talks


Freeze-in from Preheating

Invited for the Ending Inflation and the Hot Big Bang workshop

Dark Matter and the Early Universe

Invited for The Paris-Saclay AstroParticle Symposium 2021

Freeze-in from Preheating

Invited for The Paris-Saclay AstroParticle Symposium 2021


Seminar at Instituto de Física UNAM

Dark Matter from Inflation

Seminar at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Dark Matter from Reheating

Invited for the 3rd Barolo Astroparticle Meeting

Dark Matter as a Probe of Inflation

Seminar at Instituto de Física UNAM

Dark Matter from Inflation

Colloquium at TDLI (Shanghai)

Dark Matter Production During Reheating (by example)

Contributed for PASCOS 2021

Constraining out-of-equilibrium dark matter

Seminar at TDLI (Shanghai)

Dark Matter Production During Reheating (by example)

Contributed for the 17th MultiDark Workshop


How warm are non-thermal relics?

Seminar at the University of Tokyo

How warm are non-thermal relics?

Seminar at IJCLab

Reheating and Dark Matter Production

Contributed for the IWARA 2020 (video)conference

Curvature Fluctuations from Disorder During Inflation

Seminar at King’s College London

Curvature Fluctuations from Disorder During Inflation

Seminar at UPV (University of the Basque Country)

Curvature Fluctuations from Disorder During Inflation

Seminar at IFT


Inflation and Dark Matter

Invited for The Paris-Saclay AstroParticle Symposium 2019

Cosmology with a Master Coupling in Flipped SU(5)

Contributed for the 16th MultiDark Workshop

Curvature Perturbations From Stochastic Particle Production During Inflation

Contributed for SUSY 2019


Pre-thermalization production of dark matter

Contributed for the 14th International Workshop Dark Side Of The Universe

Non-thermal Particle Production in the Early Universe

Seminar at LPT Orsay

Non-thermal Particle Production in the Early Universe

Seminar at King’s College London

Flipped No-Scale Inflation

Seminar at ICN UNAM


Stochastic particle production in the early universe

Contributed for PPC 2017

Toward a stochastic description of reheating

Invited for Olivefest 2017

Grand-Unified Models for Cosmology

Seminar at Rice University


No-Scale Inflation

Seminar at the University of Minnesota


Chaotic inflation and baryogenesis in the light of BICEP2 results

Contributed for SUSY 2014


The quantum $H_3$ and $H_4$ integrable systems

Seminar at the University of Minnesota

The quantum $H_3$ and $H_4$ integrable systems

Invited for SashaFest 2010

The $H_3$ integrable system

Invited for Symmetries in Nature 2010

The $H_3$ integrable system

Seminar at IIMAS UNAM


Solvability of the $H_3$ integrable model

Invited for FENOMEC 2009

The hidden algebra of the $E_6$ integrable system

Contributed for the XXth IWOTA conference