How warm are non-thermal relics?

(With Guillermo Ballesteros and Mathias Pierre, both from IFT)
We investigate the power spectrum of Non-Cold Dark Matter (NCDM) produced in an out-of-equilibrium state (from the decay of scalar condensates, of thermalized and non-thermalized particles, and from thermal and non-thermal freeze-in). We have found that the cutoff scale in the power spectrum is solely determined by the equation-of-state parameter $w$, and propose a mapping procedure to translate the Lyman-$\alpha$ bound on the WDM mass to NCDM scenarios without the need for numerical computations. By applying this procedure we find non-trivial bounds on NCDM candidates, ranging from $m_{\rm DM}\gtrsim {\rm EeV}$ for dark matter production from inflaton decay with a low reheating temperature, to sub-keV values for non-thermal freeze-in.